Tuesday, 12 April 2011

What Goes Here?

What goes here? My thoughts, my actions, the world as others see it (stuff from others) or the world as I see it? The world as I see it, I think, because that encompasses my thoughts, my actions and those of others (including the environment) who share with me space, time or both (either, being relative) in this arduous journey called life.

In 2006, I destroyed my rich collection of diaries, for nothing (hm, may be little) I was ashamed of but, for two reasons: 1. the realisation of the fact that I was being too revealing (damage already done) and 2. any change in style (keeping secrets from the diaries) as a result of that realisation will compromise the essence of those diaries which was "to present the Abbati of today to Abbati of the future and to those interested in his past"

No fear there will be a repeat of that pouritall, as very little will be heard of Abbati in this blog, except for a few of his journeys and adventures where they may matter to the reader. Though, I doubt if I can afford to properly maintain a steady stream in this blog because of the reality of the day (working all day so the Queen, sorry the Queens, of the nation and of the home, may sleep all night) and the near death of my writing habit. Luckily, old habits die hard they say, and with all that's happened so far in 2011 and others banging on the door, there could be no better time to resuscitate my writing habit than now.

As you all know, after a resuscitation there is a staggers before finding balance. Put up with me if you find my writing chaotic, it is only a stagger, I'll soon gain my balance God-willing.

Salaam, Shalom, Shanti, Peace.